Sunday, March 8, 2009

So much to do, so little time.

^ my grades are looking great right now! loveee it.

ahahha <3 toriaa

So yesterday I was in California for just a day, YES I KNOW... TOO SHORT. Anyways, since my mom had forgotten her purses that she wanted to return in LA I ended up having a free schedule after my eye doctors appointment.

Sooo.. I ended up walking to Terry's house to watch him wash his car :) then Garrett picked me up and we went to Irvine Spectrum (my new favorite place to go) and we went to IKEA then we ended up having nothing to do haha so we waited in front of Charlie's house and found out he wasn't home :( So, Garrett and I went to the auto shop where my aunt's car was at and we waited until my parents arrived. Then... I forgot my bag of stuff I bought and Garrett had to come all the way back to give it to me. As he came back everyone in my family had to go see who he was and how he looked like haha and in the end everyone was like "Oh! He's pretty cute" and I was just like ahahha and I told him.

After that, we went to dinner at Song Long and we met my aunt's boyfriend Kenji :) He was very nice and my aunt told me he has a very cute 19 year old son that unfortunately has an okay looking girlfriend :( ahhahaha. Soo then we went home and I drove for like an hour and got SOOO tired so I had my dad drive then we ended stopping somewhere so we could all sleep haha. Got home around 1 yesterday, I thought it was a good day! Now it's 9 already and I should be getting started on my work! :(

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