Sunday, October 26, 2008


I passed my Calculus exams! I was so proud of myself. I received a 84% on my Derivatives test and an 88% on my cumulative test. Overall, it raised my grade and I am currently at an 87%. So, right now I am pretty satisfied with how my grades are looking. Hoping to keep it up this way! My GPA will look beautiful haha.

Anyways, life is pretty good right now and I'm enjoying it as it is. I've reached most of the goals I've made for myself this year already. The only one I haven't gotten to achieve was finding a job, but I believe I'm getting really close to that being achieved.

Sometimes I feel like I need a boyfriend figure in my life. It'd be nice to have one, but then again... it's alright if I don't have one either. I can live through high school without a boyfriend haha. Plus, I'm afraid to even date guys here in Nevada, just because they are only after one thing... So, I guess I'll just wait until college, unless the right guy just happens to come around!

I love life right now.

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